Monthly Check-In: December 2022

Game Development Monthly: Check In December 2022

Happy New Year, Everyone! Ryan the Art Guy Here! I know this monthly check is in December, but we’ll count this out between you and me!

Owlbear Statue Pixel Art Drawing in Pixaki App

We’ve been doing our best since the past month of work! Adam’s coding up a storm with rad new features like swimming and water controls! I’ve been adding some new statues and set pieces to add more flavor to the backgrounds.

Blackmask Owlbear Statue Pixel Art

I’ve also been learning more about Aseprite’s Tiling features. Aseprite has been an invaluable tool for my and other game developers all over the world! If you’re interested in making Pixel art yourself, buy Aseprite and dive in!

Tile Mapping Tools in Aseprite

Other than that, I’m making loopable backgrounds between the big set-piece spots. There’ll be a future article talking about the art development of this demo area, so stop by again later!

Blackmask Looping Pine Forest Background
Blackmask Looping Lake Background

Our plans for 2023 year are the same as it is at the moment: work on this demo between our day jobs to have something playable to show off for our eventual Kickstarter. When that will be is long off, after all we’re two gents going about our lives. In the meantime, there’ll be more showcase articles of Cole’s world to give you more of a taste of what’s in store for the game.

If you want to keep up with all the game development news and going ons, join the Blackmask Mailing List for monthly email updates! If you’ve already got new emails from us, then we thank you for signing our mailing list and following us along our perilous journey!

You can also follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!